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Logos & Assets

Sellers can use these graphics to indicate that their product is available for purchase on Chariz.

The button graphics can be used on their own. They must lead to the “buy” page for your product on Chariz when clicked/tapped. It must be clear what product the button leads to — don’t display it without some indication of the product somewhere near the button, and don’t link to a different product than the user expects.

You can change the background color/gradient of the buttons to suit your design, ensuring the foreground text and logo are black, white, or a shade of gray — whichever is most readable. Additionally, make sure that you aren't using any colors that work against your design. If you don’t want to mention Chariz, don’t use the logo at all.


You may not modify the shape, layout, colors, or designs of the provided Chariz logos. These buttons are provided for recognizability and as such maintain these restrictions to avoid user confusion.

The Chariz logo may only be used to the left of the “Chariz” wordmark, or anywhere in a call-to-action button as long as it’s clear that the user is purchasing from Chariz. If you’re displaying the Chariz logo alongside the “Chariz” wordmark, use the “Logo with wordmark” below – don’t recreate or change the font of the wordmark.

We highly recommend using these graphics in a vector format on the web. All browsers since 2011 support SVG for vector graphics. Vector graphics tools such as Sketch and Adobe Illustrator can open SVGs. We have optimized all graphics to have as small a file size as possible without compromising quality. All graphics are also available in PNG for use in situations such as iOS/macOS apps.


“pt” is points — physical pixels, divided by the pixel ratio of the display.

Asset Downloads

Download Brand Logos & Assets

Chariz Logos

Logo with wordmark (color)Logo with wordmark (mono)
Flame logo (color)Flame logo (mono)


Rounded (color)Rounded (dark)Rounded (mono)
Rectangle (color)Rectangle (dark)Rectangle (mono)